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Women in data or How I got started working with data | Business Value in Data

Women in data or How I got started working with data

I wasn't allowed to touch the computer - portrait by O'Reilly Media

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From time to time I get the question about, how I got started working with computers in the first place.

To be perfectly honest, it was a combination of skills I did not even know existed at that time let alone was able to put words to, and a simple ‘dare’…

“Her introduction to the field of computer programming began one day at age 10 when an older boy in the neighbourhood got a computer—and she couldn’t touch it. The common idea back then was that “programming was for boys” and if something had to do with data or math, you had to be a boy to participate.”

Several programming languages, software platforms and decades later, I have developed a combination of business skills, economics, analytics and data as a source.

“Sander’s particular passion is for providing what she calls “data-driven decision support,” so that business leaders use data—facts—to make decisions, rather than gut instincts, which she notes is all too common.”

If you too are curious about the business insights which can be found in data, no matter if you, like me, have been on the journey for 20+ years or are just starting out, I hope you’ll join me as I share my experiences, findings, quirks and questions.

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