Yes! Data has true Business Value

Begin with curiosity about the opportunities for more data, enhanced Analytics and maybe even start exploiting Open Data in your analytics efforts.

As a speaker and consultant, I often discuss which data can be found from various sources and how they can add business value to existing company data to help you gain new insights, better decision support and sharpen your company’s competitive edge.

There is a dataset out there for your business to get even more data-driven business support.

Do you want to hear real-life examples and get inspiration?

There is no such thing as collecting data too heavily

– only understanding too slowly!


We are experiencing an era of global digital transformation. In such an age, there is no aspect of any business that can’t be improved by a greater understanding of data.

“Majken Sander is a data nerd, business analyst, and solution architect. She is well-known in industry circles as an influential industry executive, international speaker, and accomplished data expert. Majken has worked in IT, management information, analytics, business intelligence and data warehousing for more than 20 years.

Majken is a tech evangelist and often writes on topics like Data Warehouse Architecture and Automation, BI and Analytics, Business Value in Data, Decision support, Algorithm Ethics and AI”

Ready to gain new insights, get better decision support and sharpen your company’s competitive edge?